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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Interview bersama YB Khairy

Interview session with Yb Khairy

1.To what extend is the media in Malaysia faced with restrictions in its broadcast?
1.Pada tahap manakah media di Malaysia menghadapi sekatan terhadap penyiarannya?

1(KJ):We have to divide media into 2, that is current media and new media. In the current media either newspaper of TV of course they are certain restriction, the restriction is either in form of law or ownership. If in law the printing presses and publication acts rule that everybody newspaper need to renew their license every year. If we do a random research 60%-70% Malaysian not getting their news from news paper anymore, so the restriction that the government is doing on media is not relevant anymore.

2.Are you aware of any acts governing the media?
2.Adakah anda sedar atau tahu tentang mana-mana akta yang menyekat kebebasan bersuara dan media?

2(KJ):If we look directly towards media, we can say printing presses and publication act and MCMC is controlling and governing the media, but actually there are a lots of acts that actually controlling the media but not specifically such as defamation act etc.

3.Does the government think that media bring problem to them?
3.Adakah kerajaan beranggapan media mendatangkan masalah kepada mereka?

3(KJ):It depends on the way government look at the media, because media can be our friend and also can be our enemy and it’s up to us to label them as what

4.Does Malaysia have freedom of speech?
4.Adakah Malaysia mempunyai kebebasan untuk bersuara?

4(KJ):In this matter we have to look at different perspective, if we want to say fully free then we are lying, in this world not 1 country practise full freedom, because we are human and we are not able to control our self so full freedom is just a thing that we can’t give but now is better than before

5.Can u name countries which exercise full media freedom ?
5.Boleh anda namakan Negara yang mempunya kebebasan media yang penuh

5(KJ): For countries like Uk and Us,they also have libel laws and defamation suits,and also press complain commission,and when we talk about this matter i have to say something about the ownersip which also plays and important role..For ecample in Malaysia,most of the media group are owned by the government,in Uk when Rupert Murdock owns the media the editors of the group wont feel free.Theres one news paper in Uk,my favourite a very good case study,it is called the guardian,this paper doesn’t have majority share holders and they wont let.So in this world theres no such thing as free media,i mean there is no country where you can go and talk about race hate there

6.Do you think freedom of expression should be fully exercised in the country? If not why?
6.Adakah anda rasa kebebasan bersuara patut diberikan penuh jika tidak mengapa?

6(KJ):Yes we need it, with it the government will perform better. I don’t think by controlling the media our performance will be better instead it will be worst.

7.But it will reflects governments weakness!
7.Tetapi itu tentunya akan menampakkan kelemahan kerajaan!

7(KJ):At first yes,but we have to understand the situation now.If we’re letting media free,at last the people will know also by other paper and website maybe so for me control and cover is not good at all,its better we admits about fault and move on

8.With or without the restriction on media, how would you view our country would be like?
8.Sama ada dengan atau tidak dengan kebebasan media bagaimana anda bayangkan Negara ini?

8(KJ):No i cant,because we must have a safeguard because if we are too free already,we need to becareful with sensitive issue like god,prophet and race.there one case in Europe about prophet Muhammad,if this happen in KL then maybe there going to be alots fo demonstation or maybe we will have few murderer case.

9:Are you aware of the objective of the restriction?
9.Apakah tujuan seakatan itu?

9(KJ): Well last time the objective was to keep this country in peace and harmony, make sure there is no sensitive issue brought up. But the game has change now if the government using the 20th century strategy to fight the 21th century war then the government going to lose

10.Do you think media’s today are more free to express than in was before?
10.Adakah anda merasakan media hari ini lebih bebas?Kenapa ianya berlaku dulu

10(KJ): Maybe last time the effort to restrict and control is more easy because they don’t have any other alternative to get news but now if we restrict people will try to find out no matter what.

11.What do u think of Operasi Lalang?and what impact has it on the media?
11.apakah pandangan anda terhadap operasi lalang dan Adakah anda merasakan operasi lalang punca sekatan media?

11(KJ):Yes,Operasi Lalang a very important event that happen that kills the freedom of media
12.Do u think Malaysia is ready for freedom of expression and media freedom
12.Adakah anda rasa Malaysia sudah bersedia untuk kebebasan bersuara dan media?

12(KJ):For me yes but only 50% is ready and another is not, so we need to tell them and educate them we also need the safe guide.

13.Youre against printing presses and publication act,and you always make these kind of statement very sensitive and u sounded like the opposition,so aren’t you scared if people misunderstand?
13.Anda menyelar akta percetakan dan penyiaran dan anda selalu menkritik tindakan kerajaan,adakah anda tidak bimbang orang akan salah faham?

13(KJ):Why I need to be scared, I’m a Bn Mp but i think and personally believe Bn need to have forward thinking and progress if thoughts. If my opinion is the same level as opposition doesn’t mean i support them, although I’m a mp and I’m also the representative for youngsters!

14.You’ve once critic MCMC because they blocked Malaysian today, why?
14.Anda pernah mengkritik MCMC kerana mereka block malaysan today,kenapa?

14(KJ):for me it’s stupid because it has bring negative effect to the government, because when they block Malaysian today the next day Malaysian today build mirror server which able user to access to it

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