The impact of violent content in Ultraman that affects children in Malaysia is based on the survey that have done by researcher, however, research have done 7 charts. So, the researcher will based on the 7 charts to analysis the impact of violent content in Ultraman that affects children in Malaysia of adult perception.
First chart is the 1st question that set in the survey question, “what kind of cartoon movie do your children or your siblings watch?” Based on the chart there are divided into 10 groups. The most popular cartoon movie is Tom and Jerry that has 33%. This result proven that most of the children like to watch Tom and Jerry than Ultraman because Ultraman only have 9% showed that lesser children watch ultraman compare with Tom and Jerry. Therefore, Ben 10 also over 19% on the chart. This result showed that Ben 10 is the 2nd popular cartoon movie among cartoon movie. Lastly, Ultraman and SpongeBob Squarepan each of them have 9%. This result proven that both of the cartoon movies are not too popular among the cartoon movie. However, this result reflected that the researcher objective because the researcher has proven wrong that Ultraman is not the famous cartoon movie for children in Malaysia. Others, each of the cartoon movie has 5%, they are transformer, spiderman, Mr.Bean, Pokemon, Nemo and Popeye.
Second chart is the 2nd question of survey, “Do you agree Utlraman is one of the children’s favorites cartoon movies in Malaysia?” Based on the chart, there are 67% of participants do not agree Ultraman is one of the children’s favorites cartoon movies in Malaysia. This result proven that the children’s favourite cartoon movie is not Ultraman because the question 1 proven that children like to chooses different cartoon movie to watch, however, they are not hard-core watcher. On the other hand, there is another 33% agree that ultraman is one of the children’s favorites cartoon movies in Malaysia.
Third chart is the 3rd question of survey, “As a parents or an adult what is your perception towards Ultraman movie? Based on the chart there are 35% of the participants have no comment towards ultraman cartoon movie. The 35% of the participants have no comment towards ultraman cartoon movie because they are in order to prevent any arguments issues in this topic. On the other hand, there is 25% of the participants said that Ultraman is violent because they are lots of fighting and hitting scenes in Ultraman. Therefore, there is 15% of participants answered that Ultraman is very fake. The fake mean by the participants is too childish and do not have contains any educational knowledge. However, there is another 10% of participants answered that Ultraman is good and save the world. This 10% of participants is fine to let the children take ultraman as role model. Besides that, there is another 10% of participants answered that ultraman is misleading. Ultraman is a hero cartoon movie but it has misleading issues such after ultraman fight with the diagnosed until it die and won the fight. Actually it is not a right solution way to solve the problem. Lastly, is 5% of participants answered that Ultraman is an excited cartoon movie. This 5% of participants feel that ultraman is an enjoyable cartoon movie.
Forth chart is the 4th question of survey, “Do you think that Ultraman contains any violence content towards children? If so, how?” Based on the chart, there are 55% of participants said no contains any violent content towards children. However, this result proven that 55% of participants disagree ultraman contains any violent content because they agree that ultraman is healthy and good cartoon movie and do not will affect on the children. On the other hand, there is 40% said yes, there has contains violent content towards children because ultraman have lots of fighting and hitting scenes frequently appear in the movie. On the other hand, there is 5% is acceptable the violent content towards children.
Fifth chart is the 5th question of survey, “As a parent, will you support your children watch Ultraman?” Based on the chart, there are 55% of participants said yes. This 55% of participants supported their children or siblings to watch because they think that ultraman is just a cartoon movie do not have any impact on children. Another 45% of participants said no because the participants realize that ultraman has contains violent content such as fighting and hitting scenes frequently appear in the movie.
Sixth chart is the 6th question of survey, “Do you think that the TV channel should do TV programmed selection? If YES, tell why? Based on the chart, there are 50% of participants said yes. This result showed that they are half of the participants agree to do programmed selection because as a parent or adult can choose programmed for the children in order to let the children can learn new knowledge or education. However; there are another 50% of participants said no. This result showed that the participants let their children or siblings have freedom to choose any TV programmed to watch. This also showed that the participants do not much concern on the children.
Seventh chart is the 7th question of survey, “Do you think Ultraman has a bad effect on children?” Based on the chart, there are 55% of participants said no. This result showed that 55% of participants agree that the ultraman do not contain any violent content will not have a bad effect on children. However, there is another 45% said yes. This result showed that this 45% of participants agree that that will have bad effect on children.
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